it's better to hurt me with the truth , but NEVER comfort me with a LIE !~

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

klas tmbhan dh abis...

hmm...klas tmbhan dlm cti dh abis...ary nieyh,ary last klas tmbhan dlm cti uh..bez gak td..huhuhu...see u next year my fwens...i luv u all..hehehe...hope u all always hepi..don't cry2..hahaha...nk wtpe erk lau x p klas tmbhan??hmm..buhsan2..jge kdai jela keje aq..huhuhu...mse bljar math td pale aq skit..ngant0k p0wn da gak..xtau rr xley nk bg tmpuan spnuhnye mse ckgu ngajar trtd0w kjap td mse math..nk wt cmne,dh pale skit prlu kn rhat..huhuhu...kmrin aq tgk 0h!my sch0ol..bez rr cter uh..da eunhyuk,junggi,honggi n rmai agy rr..smernye tgk invisible youth ptg kmrin,lpas cter oh!my school...kmarin da taemin,shinee..kiut rr aq still mnat my onew oppa...

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