it's better to hurt me with the truth , but NEVER comfort me with a LIE !~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ary nieyh ary jdi my 0ppa(bkn real 0ppa) n chingu...hepi besday pd smer yg mnymbut besday pd 11/1...sm0ga k0rg pnjng umur n mrah rzeki...hepi slalu...d0n't cry2..snyum skm0la!~ermm..s0wie 0ppa..xda hdiah nk bg..ley ucap je..klu nk hdiah ley,tp snyuman jela..sdi ka trima..???huhuhu...pape p0wn sm0ga k0rg always success...never give up..bdm0od thap  kritikal ary nieyh...hmmm...nieyh mybe my last p0st..c0z aq nk f0kus trhdp pmbljaran..keje sk0la p0wn byk..taun nieyh aq PMR...

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